Charlie Coleman wrote:
> At 03:12 PM 1/26/2007 -0200, Helio W. wrote:
>> Charlie,
>> What are you coming up next? That evolution has already been debunked too?
>> I hear all the time religious people claiming that there're plenty of
>> "scientific" evidence pointing to criationism and that simply is not true.
>> Criationism is a ludicrous lie.
> I'm not really opposed to evolutionary theory. I think it's quite possible 
> that's it was the mechanism God used to bring us about. The problem I have 
> with evolution is in a couple areas: first, the most appropriate and best 
> study for the proof of evolution should be a "historical" science,

I think not. Historical refers to documented things, there is no history
possible there. You must be referring to Archaeological science. And I
think they also agree.

> not a 
> "biological" science. Correct? Yet most historical evidence is ignored by 
> evolutionary theorists in favor of trying to explain things in terms of 
> what "might" be able to happen biologically. Next, even moving into the 
> "biological" investigations, the problems with probability are ignored.

What is 'evolution' but the name we give to the action of probability
over genes along millions of years?

> In 
> other words, as I recall, the mathematical probability that humans would 
> result from the process of evolution is so minute that it is reasonably 
> impossible.

If the total probability field is composed of other beings with the same
order of probability of existing than humans that is not so
unreasonable. Besides probability is probability, everyday a number
which had a million chances against it wins the lottery. Someone WILL
win, it just happened it was us.

> But that is generally ignored as well by most evolution theory 
> supporters (but I think some of the evolutionists do acknowledge the 
> problem, and they generally address it by saying the Earth was seeded by 
> aliens).

Oh! C'mon!!! You've been talking to Mike too long.

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