On 1/31/07, James E Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a "recommended" drive size for the "C" drive in a partitioned hard
> drive?
> I'm getting a new pc with a 250G HDD.
> I thought I'd just have software installed on the "C" drive, and everything
> else on the "D" drive.

primary partitions
25 Gb C: drive for OS and "Program Files"
200 Gb D: drive for data
4 Gb E: drive for windows swap and for hibernation

extended partition
4 Gb for a Knoppix install with all the extras (to reset your Windows
passwords when it breaks, for example, or to recover files from NTFS
when Windows refuses to boot)
17 Gb for an experimental Linux install (Ubuntu or Fedora or SuSE) -
you'll like it! - possibly broken up as /boot, /swap, /var, /home,
/root, depending on who you want to listen too, but free space for you
to experiment with.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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