> > The programmer didn't know about form properties, so in order to
> > maintain access to variables through the running of a form, he used
> > globals that he then very conscientiously cleaned up afterward.

> Why is that? I occasionally wonder if we must *toddle* before we walk
> let alone run. Why not teach best practices first? What value is there
> in banging ones' head against the wall?

You can teach whatever you want-- it's what the programmers learn that
matters. The bottom line, is that in our profession, the majority of
the time we're learning on our own, be it through a book or by doing
it ourselves(usually using referential programming). Some of us try to
learn in a classroom setting, but there's only so much that can be
taught and absorbed in a compressed amount of time. Mentoring is not
always an option, but probably the best option overall.

Personally, I've been programming in VFP since 1998-- roughly 9 years.
Only in the past few years have I felt I've had a strong handle on all
the idiosynchrosies(also known as bugs by some) of the language. Sure,
I've known how to PROGRAM in VFP for almost all of that time, and knew
how to use the features, but only now do I know it's best to not call
certain GUI functions in a certain order at certain times, because
otherwise VFP will crash with internal consistency errors or
C0...05's-- or to wrap lockscreen=.F. with win32 lockwindowupdate
functions and doevents force calls to truely prevent flashing...
That's not taught in a book, nor a classroom.


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