On 2/4/07, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Too many choices! Stop! Make them stop! Just tell me what to do. I don't
> want to have to decide!!!!!!

I'm sorry, Whil, there's no turning back now. Windows, in an attempt
to be more like Open Source, has added one feature to Vista: choice.
All the other features, WinFS, an improved security model, a better
printer driver model,  all had to be cut. But MS tenaciously hung on
to the one last feature: choice. Well, there's the home version, the
Pro version, the Mediocre version, the Ultimate Limited Version, the
Corporate Ultimate Unlimited versions, the MSDN version, the version
we show to the feds, the version we offer to the EU, and the special
version just for Whil Hentzen. Too many choices.

Sorry, Whil.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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