john harvey wrote:
> NRA isn't an "arms dealing" group. WE promote gun safety and protection of
> the family.

But you also say that guns don't kill people, that people kill people.
Isn't that right?

> John
> -----Original Message-----
> Of Ricardo Aráoz
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:57 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
> john harvey wrote:
>> I would blame them all. 
> So you would blame the arms dealers. That would suggest you are against
> the NRA. Is that so?
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>> Of Ricardo Aráoz
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 6:40 AM
>> To: ProFox Email List
>> Subject: Re: [OT] Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
>> I think Evo Morales (elected president of Bolivia for the ignorant half
>> of the list) would passionately agree with this, he's probably
>> considering affiliation to the NRA. He reasons that if you consider that
>> guns don't kill people, that people kill people, then all of you would
>> agree that drugs don't kill people, the person who introduces the drug
>> into the body kills them (it would mostly be suicide). So why blame the
>> producer of coke leaves, or the chemist who obtains cocaine, or the poor
>> arms dealer... sorry, drug dealer who sells them. We should only blame
>> the person who uses or administers drugs (doctors beware!).
>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>> If he hates the bearing of arms, he's really going to
>>> hate the anti-abortion amendment.
>>> --- Robert Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 6, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 6, 2007, at 1:23 PM, David Crooks wrote:
>>>>>> How can anyone prove that???  Did they have the
>>>> same thermometers 200
>>>>>> years ago that are in use today???  There is no
>>>> way!!!
>>>>>>> Some global warming.
>>>>>> I agree. I was cold in Albany, NY 200 years ago
>>>> and guess what?   
>>>>>> It is
>>>>>> still cold in Albany, NY. LOL!
>>>>>   I love how some people only read half of
>>>> something. They see a term
>>>>> such as "global warming" and completely miss the
>>>> 'global' part of it.
>>>>> Sort of like the same brilliant minds who read the
>>>> 2nd Amendment as
>>>>> guaranteeing the unfettered right to keep and bear
>>>> arms, completely
>>>>> missing the "well-regulated militia" part.
>>>> Or how some people read the whole part of something,
>>>> entirely out of  
>>>> context.
>>>> The purpose of the 'well-regulated militia' was to
>>>> protect the people  
>>>> from an oppressive government, and was not intended
>>>> to establish a  
>>>> particular "well-regulated militia", as some seem
>>>> curiously to argue.  
>>>> Rather, by making the right to keep and bear arms
>>>> universal to all  
>>>> citizens in the Bill of Rights, and not just to some
>>>> special  
>>>> "militia" class, this formulation allowed for the
>>>> people to self- 
>>>> organize into "well-regulated" militia as needed to
>>>> defend themselves  
>>>> from tyranny. In general, our founders were into
>>>> "self- 
>>>> regulation" (particularly of the small-r
>>>> "republican" variety), not  
>>>> nanny government.
>>>> The enhancements to the federal power and
>>>> consolidation under a  
>>>> single federal government under the Constitution was
>>>> an economic  
>>>> necessity. Nevertheless, the founders still saw fit
>>>> to guarantee each  
>>>> state in the union a "republican" form of
>>>> government, and each  
>>>> citizen a right to keep and bear arms. They hardly
>>>> envisioned the  
>>>> federal government confiscating guns from everyone
>>>> except the police  
>>>> or army. Maybe one or two of them thought that was a
>>>> good idea (after  
>>>> all, they did discuss the various alternatives, and
>>>> even my hero  
>>>> Hamilton had a brain fart about re-establishing
>>>> monarchy), but the  
>>>> consensus was to state explicitly a right to keep an
>>>> bear arms to  
>>>> all, and the reason sited was not just so the
>>>> government could  
>>>> regulate some once and future national guard or
>>>> whatever, but rather  
>>>> because an oppressive government could only be
>>>> countered by a people  
>>>> armed to defend themselves.
>>>> Context Ed is just as important as the precise
>>>> wording of a phrase.
>>>> - Bob
>>>>> -- Ed Leafe
>>>>> --
>>>>> --
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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