I've searched the list and I cannot find a solution to a problem.
In foxpro I'm opening word document and manipulating them. Whilst doing
this I place various data on the clipboard but office has the Multiple
Clipboard and it gets full up to the point that my program stops
responding because word will throw up a messagebox asking me if I want
to allow the data in the clipboard to remain there once I have closed
word down.
I think the easiest thing to do would be to empty the clipboard, but
when I try that I cannot empty it!
I've tried the following code to no avail
Declare integer OpenClipboard in user32 integer hwnd declare integer
CloseClipboard in user32 declare integer emptyclipboard in user32
declare long FindWindowA in WIN32API string class, string table
hwd=FindWindowA("OpusApp","new.doc - Microsoft Word")
There is also no code in VBA to empty the clipboard that I can find for
office 2003 as microsoft kindly removed this facility.
Has anyone got any ideas???



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