Pete Theisen wrote:
> On Monday 14 May 2007 1:41 pm, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
> <snip>
>>> I suppose from this that you consider the devil far more sane than this
>>> caricature of God. Trouble is, the devil lives in hell and to be with him
>>> you would have to go there.
>> But isn't god EVERYWHERE? Then it follows god is in hell too.
> Hi Ricardo!
> I suppose so. Sticks a fork in the devil every now and then to see if he is 
> done. <s>
>> Another, I've heard god granted free will only to humans, not to angels.
>> Then how come Lucifer went against him? Or do angels have free will? In that 
>> case they are as human as we are and will be judged? And evil angels, are 
>> they TOTALLY evil, just black or white? Or can we find grey angels?
> Lucifer challenged God as an equal, and discovered that God was more equal 
> than he was.

Challenged him over what?

> I think that the angels have free will, the good angels choosing 
> God's way and the bad angels choosing the devil.

Bloody extremists. Nothing in the middle? No angel that says - "Bugger
off, I'm gonna live my own life"?

> The angel choice/judgement 
> issue is already settled, before the Bible times.

And they cannot change their minds? Didn't you say they had free will?

> I have not heard of any 
> grey angels.

If you have not heard... does that mean they don't exist? Or maybe there
are lots, kind of 'City of Angels'.

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