I've thought about it a time or two, but marketing any product properly
requires a lot more money then I have.

Virgil Bierschwale

-----Original Message-----
Of MB Software Solutions
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2007 3:43 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: [NF] Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it

Bill Arnold wrote:
> Maybe I'm still being naïve, but this does beg the question of who among
> us has a working arrangement with a VFP-savvy marketing company who
> understands how our world works and is willing to deal with us on an
> application specific - not framework, and not exclusive - basis?
> Dream on, huh? :)

Why don't you start such a company, Bill?  Iirc, the "other Bill" was 
interested in doing something like this a long time ago, but it never 
came to fruition.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
"Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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