Paul Newton wrote:
> Ted Roche wrote:
>> On 5/21/07, Derek Kalweit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Maybe it would be helpful if the kids wore tinfoil hats?
>> Well, I can sympathize. Invisible but harmful stuff is all around us,
>> and the general public just doesn't have the education to know what's
>> (likely to be) harmless. Fear of the unknown is reasonable, and a
>> general distrust of government authority is also pretty reasonable
>> these days. (Are we [OT] yet?)
>> If you were given an alpha-emitting cookie, a beta-emitting cookie and
>> a gamma-emitting cookie and told you had to eat one, put one in your
>> pocket, and throw one away, would you know the right answer? (Without
>> googling?)
> Eat the alpha pocket the beta and ditch the gamma ?
OK so I got two wrong - that's not as bad as getting all three wrong.  
Of course I'm disappointed (I would have preferred to get all three 
right) but getting just one wrong wasn't an option, was it ?

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