Virgil Bierschwale wrote:
> Bill, I've been to Africa.
> Its been a long time ago so I'm sure things have changed.
> But my instincts tell me that we will be in the middle of a war there too.
> There is only one way out of all this mess and that is to totally isolate
> the free world from the savages and let the savages kill each other off.
> If we do that though, we need to make it possible for the good people of the
> savage world that want to be free and civilized, to do so by coming over to
> the free worlds side.

Look, I appreciate your feelings. But my country is ALSO free (so it
follows it's a part of the "free world"). And we don't want to be
isolated by you from anyone. Just isolate yourselves, that would be enough.

> Virgil Bierschwale
> -----Original Message-----
> Of Bill Arnold
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 6:31 AM
> To: 'ProFox Email List'
> Subject: RE: [OT] GWB: Al-Qaeda Fund Raiser
>> On the other hand the same people clammering for us to leave Iraq are 
>> wanting to go into Darfur and save the civilians. The 
>> crybabies can't have it both ways.
> It's all about attitude. There's a world of difference between:
> (1) invading Iraq and slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people
> in a totally unwise and 
> ill-fated gambit to seize authority 
> and 
> (2) providing aid to people who are desperately in need of it for no
> other reason then to help our fellow man
> Have we been so duped that we can't tell the difference?
> Bill

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