This was an emergency appropriation.  This money would
have never been spent on anything in the US, nor would
it have been in your pocket since taxes haven't been
raised to pay for it.

Wars and natural disasters are things that can't be
planned for, yet must be paid for.

And if you don't like paying for the Iraq War at 300
Billion, would you prefer paying for another 9/11 with
1,000,000 people out-of work and a stock market crash?

Perhaps you don't remember sitting home watching the
TV for weeks after the World Trade Center attack,
wondering when the next attack would occur? 

Perhaps you don't remember why we went into Iraq to
begin with?

We didn't choose between "roads and bridges" and
"going to war for the fun of it".  We went to war
because we believed Saddam had nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons and was going to give them to

72 senators believed that too.

20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing.

> Damn, that Google is AGAIN your best (search)
> friend!  I hear ya, 
> brother.  I'll bookmark that and act accordingly.  I
> saw some figure 
> (perhaps in Yahoo News) today that said the U.S. has
> spent $300 BILLION 
> on the Iraq war already.  What a f*cking riot. 
> Think how many great 
> things could have been done here at home (U.S.) with
> that money.  And 
> before you all take me out of context, simply change
> that to read money 
> from your country going towards this war and how it
> could have been 
> better used on YOUR country's infrastructure. <g>
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