Why do you continue to say that it doesn't work.
It does work and it works exactly the way it was designed too.

You can see it in action by clicking on http://www.virgilslist.com
You can see the original xml file as defined on that link I sent you earlier
by clicking on http://www.virgilslist.com/ff1059.xml
You can see the code we are discussing in action by clicking on

But since you are so superior to me, I humbly will pardon you for cutting
down what little programming skills that I have <grin>

Virgil Bierschwale

-----Original Message-----
Of Derek Kalweit
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 9:50 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: VFP to XML

> So a beginner asking for advice from experienced people is insulting ?
> I'd bet your check against mine that a the majority of people on this list
> would disagree with you.

Ever hear of a silent majority? The lack of answers to your simple
questions over the past 1-2 weeks has been telling enough to me,
regardless of what a few people may pipe up and say. The idea of
asking of other's time without seeking out the answer from free,
easily available resources first, is disrespectful of the "experienced
people" and their valuable time.

> Anyway, here is the page that I got the example from and yes, it does
> http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_server.asp

That doesn't create an XML file with attributes for Google Maps, as
we're discussing. It also is open to problems, as the values are not
properly encoded-- any kind of special character will make the
resulting XML file un-parsable by standards-based XML parsers.

> Sure I was in the process of making it work when I sent the original
> example, but contrary to your belief's, it does work and it works good.

Did you fix it since you posted your original code? The point I'm
making is that the code you posted is wrong-- your attributes aren't
attributes, as Eyvind pointed out as well.

> Does this qualify me to be a programmer ? Probably so.

Maybe a programmer, yes. Software Engineer, no. You can write
code(maybe), that doesn't mean you can design software.

> Is my heart in development ? Definitely not as I prefer to put together
> systems and let people like yourself that prefer to do development do the
> development according to my spec's.

According to your specs? From what I've seen I don't think I could
respect your specs. Maybe some functional requirements(primarily a
marketing task), but not specs.

> One of these days my good man, you're going to reach a life changing
> experience, it could be outsourcing, it could be a family illness such as
> cancer or any number of things and you will wake up and realize, hey I
> know everything.

I don't know everything-- I realized that years ago. But at the same
time, I also know I don't know nothing. I know what I know, and I know
much of what I don't. This subject is something I **do** know, and to
speak with authority on it is not being a "know it all" as you imply.

> Hopefully I'm wrong, but life has taught me the hard way, and it didn't
> spare the rod, that I'm right.

Virgil, I respect the hand your life has dealt. I'm sorry for the
misfortune you've experienced. Hopefully things will go better for
you. Hopefully you can turn the corner and help bring yourself out of
your current rut-- my suggestions are meant as constructive criticism
and not to tear you down. I'm sorry you see them that way, or that I
come off that way sometimes, but that's not my intent. I wish you


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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