Try throwing in a Thisform.Refresh() or an thisform.edit1.Refresh() after you 
make the changes in the InteractiveChange event. 
I always use thisform.Refresh() 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tristan Leask  
Sent: Tue, 6/5/2007 5:26am 
Subject: RE: Valid event screwing with click event? 
I'm still having issues with this.  Below is some example code where you 
can modify the text in a list using the edit box.  When you leave the 
edit box focus, it asks you if you want to update the text.  However 
after it has updated the text, if the user has select another entry in 
the list it should then fire the interactivechange event and update the 
text to the newly selected entry. 
The interactivechange event doesn't fire though. 
Any ideas? 
Heres the test code.... 
PUBLIC testform 
DEFINE CLASS test AS form 
  Height = 193 
  Width = 349 
  Caption = "Form1" 
  Name = "Form1" 
  changes = .F. 
  ADD OBJECT edit1 AS editbox WITH ; 
    Height = 72, ; 
    Left = 168, ; 
    Top = 108, ; 
    Width = 168, ; 
    Name = "Edit1" 
  ADD OBJECT list1 AS listbox WITH ; 
    Height = 168, ; 
    Left = 12, ; 
    Top = 12, ; 
    Width = 144, ; 
    Name = "List1" 
  ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ; 
    WordWrap = .T., ; 
    Caption = "Select an item in the listbox to the left and then edit 
its text below, then select another item in the list box.", ; 
    Height = 84, ; 
    Left = 168, ; 
    Top = 12, ; 
    Width = 168, ; 
    Name = "Label1" 
  PROCEDURE edit1.InteractiveChange 
    * Made some changes 
  PROCEDURE edit1.Valid 
    IF thisform.changes 
      lnAns=MESSAGEBOX("You have made changes.  Do you want to save 
      DO CASE 
        CASE lnAns=2 
          * User cancelled dont do anything 
          RETURN .F. 
        CASE lnAns=6 
          * Save the changes 
          * Dont Save the changes 
  PROCEDURE list1.InteractiveChange 
    * Load this value into the edit box 
  PROCEDURE list1.Init 
    * Populate the list with crap 
    FOR x=1 TO 10 
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