I just wanted to do a quick sanity check, since I haven't done too
much production work with the new Report Writer.

I created a ReportListener that would highlight certain fields, and
then I subclassed it for the particular report I'm working with at the
moment. I tagged the blood pressure fields with BP in the User field,
and LDL in User for those values. Then I ran the report with this RL.
It seems to work fine, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing

DEFINE CLASS ReportHighlight2 as ReportHighlight OF ReportHighlight.prg
        PROCEDURE EvaluateContents
                LPARAMETERS tnFRXRecno, toObjProperties

                DODEFAULT(tnFRXRecno, toObjProperties)
                IF This.InGroupFooter
                        This.HighlightBPLDL(tnFRXRecno, toObjProperties)
        PROCEDURE HighlightBPLDL
                LPARAMETERS tnFRXRecNo, toObjProperties         
                LOCAL lnLowPercent, lnHighPercent, lnOldDataSession
                lnOldDataSession = SET("Datasession")
                SET DATASESSION TO (This.FRXDataSession)
                SELECT FRX
                GO (tnFRXRecno)
                IF "BP"$user
                        WITH toObjProperties
                                .Reload = .T.
                                DO CASE
                                        CASE VAL(pcBPSysVal) < _BPSYSLO
                                          AND VAL(pcBPDiaVal) < _BPDIALO
                                                .FillRed = 0
                                                .FillGreen = 255
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 0
                                                .PenGreen = 0
                                                .PenBlue = 0
                                        CASE VAL(pcBPSysVal) < _BPSYSHI
                                         AND VAL(pcBPDiaVal) < _BPSYSHI
                                                .FillRed = 255
                                                .FillGreen = 255
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 0
                                                .PenGreen = 0
                                                .PenBlue = 0
                                                .FillRed = 255
                                                .FillGreen = 0
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 255
                                                .PenGreen = 255
                                                .PenBlue = 255
                IF "LDL"$user
                        WITH toObjProperties
                                .Reload = .T.
                                DO CASE
                                        CASE VAL(pcBPLDLVal) < _LDLLO
                                                .FillRed = 0
                                                .FillGreen = 255
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 0
                                                .PenGreen = 0
                                                .PenBlue = 0
                                        CASE VAL(pcBPLDLVal) < _LDLHI
                                                .FillRed = 255
                                                .FillGreen = 255
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 0
                                                .PenGreen = 0
                                                .PenBlue = 0
                                                .FillRed = 255
                                                .FillGreen = 0
                                                .FillBlue = 0
                                                .PenRed = 255
                                                .PenGreen = 255
                                                .PenBlue = 255

                SET DATASESSION TO (lnOldDataSession)


On an unrelated note, any thoughts on querying an EMR record which
could have multiple tables with multiple values, hence creating a
whole lot of records per patient observation? I'm currently handling
it as one really big join, and doing a UDF in the Detail Footer to
pull out the values I actually want, and one in the Patient Group
Footer to check values on the patient level. The counting is (mostly)
done by using report variables, that store a 0 or 1 to the variable
(depending on whether it's the right value and whether it's been set
before) and summing at the end.

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