It's shameful what the Bush Administration has done to our system of 
government, including the American Constitution.  What has happen 
boarders on a coup d'etat, but rather than a sudden overthrow of the 
American government by force, the coup d'etat was in the form of a 
gradual subversion of our government using non-violent attacks on the 
system from within, especially through seizing control of the legal 
system to make the legal system an arm of the exective branch.  This 
tactic would essentially disenfranchise all Americans but the most loyal 
members of the the Religious Righters GOP.

Below is an except followed by the entire article:


  Political Hiring in Justice Division Probed

By Carol D. Leonnig 
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 21, 2007; Page A01

Karen Stevens, Tovah Calderon and Teresa Kwong had a lot in common. They 
had good performance ratings as career lawyers in the Justice 
Department's civil rights division. And they were minority women 
transferred out of their jobs two years ago -- over the objections of 
their immediate supervisors -- by Bradley Schlozman 
then the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights.

Schlozman ordered supervisors to tell the women that they had 
performance problems or that the office was overstaffed. But one lawyer, 
Conor Dugan, told colleagues that the recent Bush appointee had confided 
that his real motive was to "make room for some good Americans" in that 
high-impact office, according to four lawyers who said they heard the 
account from Dugan.

In another politically tinged conversation recounted by former 
colleagues, Schlozman asked a supervisor if a career lawyer who had 
voted for Sen. John McCain 
(R-Ariz.), a onetime political rival of President Bush 
could still be trusted.

Schlozman has acknowledged in sworn congressional testimony that he had 
boasted of hiring Republicans and conservatives, but he denied taking 
improper actions against the division's career officials. That account 
was challenged by six officials in the division who said in interviews 
that they either overhead him making brazen political remarks about 
career employees or witnessed him making personnel decisions with 
apparent political motivation.

Schlozman's efforts to hire political conservatives for career jobs 
throughout the division are now being examined as part of a wide-ranging 
investigation of the Bush administration's alleged politicization of the 
Justice Department 
The department's inspector general and Office of Professional 
Responsibility confirmed last month that their inquiry, begun in March, 
will look at hiring, firing and legal-case decisions in the division.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee 
plan today to shine a renewed spotlight on decision-making in the 
division by questioning Schlozman's replacement, Wan Kim, about hiring 
practices and about its support for state voter-identification programs 
that could inhibit minority voting.

Democrats also plan to ask about the dwindling diversity of the staff in 
a division whose core mission includes fighting racial discrimination. 
The Bush administration, largely under Schlozman, hired seven members as 
replacements or additions to the 14-lawyer appellate section where 
Stevens, Calderon and Kwong worked. They included six whites, one Asian 
and no African Americans.

Schlozman's attorney, William Jordan, said his client did not want to 
comment on individual personnel decisions. Jordan said that Schlozman 
does not recall commenting on lawyers' voting records but at times 
encouraged cases to be reassigned to lawyers Schlozman considered to be 
very talented. Dugan declined to comment.

Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd 
also declined to respond to the allegations but did say that the 
appellate section's recent track record "speaks for itself." He cited 
statistics showing that when the section filed friend-of-the-court 
briefs in the past six years, it had an 87 percent success rate, 
compared with 61 percent success in the previous six years.

Schlozman arrived at the Justice Department in 2001 as counsel to 
then-Deputy Attorney General Larry D. Thompson. A Kansas 
native and 1996 George Washington University 
law school graduate, Schlozman had clerked for two federal judges and 
worked alongside William Bradford Reynolds for two years in the 
Washington law firm Howrey Simon.

Reynolds, whom Schlozman has cited as a mentor, was a controversial 
assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Reagan administration 
His confirmation for a higher department post was blocked by lawmakers 
in both parties who accused him of pursuing a radical interpretation of 
the nation's civil rights laws.

Schlozman's and Reynolds's career paths would end up having much in common.

In May 2003, Schlozman was appointed as a deputy assistant attorney 
general for civil rights, and he quickly became enmeshed in hiring 
decisions previously made by section chiefs. He subsequently became the 
principal deputy, and in 2005 he was appointed acting assistant attorney 

Appellate lawyers said that before Schlozman arrived, the small staff 
enjoyed a collegial work environment generally free of partisanship. Its 
lawyers concentrated on framing constitutional arguments for pending 
judicial decisions on hot-button issues such as voting rights, racial 
discrimination and religious freedom.

Schlozman made little effort to hide his personal interest in the 
political leanings of the staff, according to five lawyers who spoke on 
the condition of anonymity because -- like most of those interviewed for 
this article -- they still work at the department. He and his aides 
frequently asked appellate supervisors whether career lawyers handling 
politically sensitive cases were "on our team," the lawyers said.

Schlozman raised the question of partisan politics bluntly in the fall 
of 2004, they said, when asking appellate supervisors about the 
"loyalty" of division lawyer Angela Miller, who had once clerked for 
David. B. Sentelle, a conservative federal appeals judge. He told 
Miller's bosses that he learned that she voted for McCain in the 2004 
Republican primary and asked, "Can we still trust her?"

He also warned section chief Diana Flynn that he would be keeping an eye 
on the legal work of another career lawyer who "didn't even vote for 
Bush," according to colleagues who said they heard Flynn describe the 
exchange. Miller told several of the colleagues that she considered 
Schlozman's remarks a form of intimidation, and started looking for 
another job, the lawyers said.

Schlozman and several deputies also took an unusual interest in the 
assignment of office responsibility for appellate cases and, according 
to the lawyers and one of the supervisors, repeatedly ordered Flynn to 
take cases away from career lawyers with expertise and hand them to 
recent hires whose résumés listed membership in conservative groups, 
including the Federalist Society.

Colleagues were especially surprised when Sarah Harrington, who 
graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School 
and was one of the most highly regarded lawyers in the section, had four 
cases -- including one concerning religious freedom -- taken away at 
Schlozman's instruction.

In February 2005, Calderon, Stevens and Harrington were all passed over 
in favor of a recent Schlozman hire when they applied for a new 
supervisory job that Schlozman created.

In March, Calderon's cases were reassigned and she was given only 
deportation cases, as were some of her colleagues, several lawyers said. 
That spring, Schlozman told a resistant Flynn to transfer Stevens to the 
disability rights section. According to sources in the office, Schlozman 
instructed Flynn to tell Stevens that the transfer was related to 
performance and was her idea.

In June, Flynn told Stevens, who was then seven months pregnant, that 
she had to leave. According to sources familiar with both women's 
accounts, Flynn alerted Stevens that "the front office didn't want the 
transfer attributed to them" but that it was not Flynn's idea. Flynn 
declined to comment for this article.

That same month, Calderon began a six-month detail on the staff of Sen. 
Charles E. Schumer 
<> (D-N.Y.), 
a member of Senate Judiciary Committee and a persistent critic of the 
Bush administration's judicial policies. Friends said she confided that 
she did not want to give up her Justice job but said she found being 
barred from appellate work frustrating.

In November, just before she was to return, sources said, the division's 
human resources office notified her that she had been permanently 
transferred out of the appellate section -- effective one month earlier. 
When she asked why, colleagues said, she was told that the office was so 
busy that it had to replace her when she was on detail.

In December, as Kwong prepared to return to the office after the birth 
of her first child, Flynn told her that she had been transferred to a 
much-lower-profile complaint-resolution section.

"When he said he didn't engage in political hiring, most of us thought 
that was just laughable," said one lawyer in the section, referring to 
Schlozman's June 5 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 
"Everything Schlozman did was political. And he said so."

Today, Schlozman is gone from civil rights, but Calderon and Stevens are 
back in the appellate section, and Kwong will return next month, 
according to public records.

Stevens, who hired a lawyer and filed an Equal Employment Opportunity 
complaint after the transfer, reached a confidential settlement with the 
department after Schlozman left the division and returned to her old job 
in the fall of 2006. Justice officials agreed that Calderon and Kwong 
should return as well.

Schlozman was appointed interim U.S. attorney in Missouri 
in March 2006. But Congress subsequently started looking into why he was 
hired without any prosecution experience, and why he brought voter-fraud 
charges against a liberal voting organization five days before the 
election in a heated congressional race. Schlozman was reassigned this 
past March to a job in the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys.

Staff researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.





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