Mark Stanton wrote:
> Hi both,
> Yes, I'm still here reading.
> I hadn't particularly thought of it as an issue impacting on the end 
> user's ability ("right"?) to design the ui, I thought it was me doing 
> that not them.  It was more about the linked data issue and therefore 
> about designing so that cancelling an editing session really cancels 
> all the changes made in that session.
> Seems to me the views here cause the problem (though being a good 
> idea from another perspective of course), how do different views of 
> similar data communicate, particularly when they're buffered, without 
> changing the underlying data store?
> Yes, it makes for a messy ui implementation, and that was why I 
> started wondering about it, on the basis that often a design becoming 
> messy is a sign that it's going the wrong way.  Unless of course, 
> it's just "real life" being messy, as usual.
> More of the problem seems to (me to) be that SQL doesn't work on 
> buffered or "local" (to the data environment) data, but the tables on 
> disk, so if I've got a clutch of rows to be added as a result of a 
> users click I either can't do that, or I have to compromise the 
> local, buffered, data, and save data to a "real" file.
> Sounds like picking it apart into separate screens *is* the way to 
> go, because that gives at least some indication of why some data has 
> been committed and other data hasn't.
> Mark Stanton
> One small step for mankind...

Don't forget that you can use WITH BUFFERING in your SQL now to reflect 
the buffered changes!

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
"Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"

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