Someone just getting started in programming today has a lot to learn, 
and the best way I know to put someone on the right path is with a 
structured approach that covers the basic five things I mentioned.  If 
someone new got started with VFP, for example, they would have Project 
Management, Version Control, the vfp language, the vfp database, a good 
editor, a method to package, distribute and protect the source code, etc.

With web based development thing get a little more complicated as 
several language must be mastered and merged within an application like 
html, css, xml, javascript, perl, php, python, java, etc.  Also, the 
appropriate editor must be mastered.  The individual modules, classes, 
graphics, icons, etc must be managed within the overall project.  Then 
there is the OS and the web server to learn.  A framework like vfp, 
Activestate perl pro studio, and Zend Studio can be very helpful for the 
beginner in getting everything put together in a structure way, as well 
as for learning best practices in program development.  Such tool are a 
necessity for the career programmer.

If not threatened by vendor lock, a newbie could get started with the framework, which has everything already built in.



MB Software Solutions wrote:
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>> I've heard good things about the Zend Studio Framework, and php seem to 
>> be a hot language right now.
>> Also, Activestate's Komodo editor and perl seem popular.
>> Both of these choices provide the basics such as:
>> 1)  Project Management.
>> 2)  Version Control.
>> 3)  Good editors with a full set of features to improve productivity.
>> 4)  Method to package application for distribution including protection 
>> of the source code.
>> 5)  Plenty of emphasis on applications that run over the Internet.
> All that might be well and good, but again, this kid is BRAND NEW to 
> programming and so many of these things are not meant for him at this 
> time.  Just basic programming principles needed.  Heck, we were taught 
> using Pascal years ago.  And I think that was a great learning language.

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