Michael Madigan wrote:
> I don't.  

You don't know what you're doing, or you don't know what he's doing?

> --- Chet Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Instead, AWC’s new strategic enterprise technology
>> plan is the direct 
>> result of proof-of-concept testing that indicates
>> that the company can 
>> cut costs, increase system reliability and security,
>> and provide 
>> expanded IT support services by porting a major
>> portion of its IT 
>> infrastructure to Apple. Extricating itself from its
>> exclusive 
>> dependence on Microsoft is simply the cherry on
>> top."
>> I suspect this guy knows what he's doing...
>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>> This looks to me like a guy cutting off his nose
>> to
>>> spite his face.
>>> I can't possibly see how all these conversion
>> costs
>>> can be recouped in a reasonable amount of time.
>>> --- MB Software Solutions
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Bill Anderson wrote:
>>>>> "When Dale Frantz says that his massive
>> migration
>>>> from Microsoft Windows 
>>>>> to the Apple platform isn't a vengeance case,
>>>> believe him. Over the past 
>>>>> few years, I've worked with Frantz closely
>> enough
>>>> to know not only that 
>>>>> the CIO of Auto Warehousing Co. doesn't have a
>>>> vengeful bone in his 
>>>>> body, but also that he means what he says.
>>>>> As Julia King reports in this week's cover
>> story,
>>>> the migration is being 
>>>>> made because Frantz determined that by doing so,
>>>> he can cut costs, 
>>>>> improve system reliability and security, and
>>>> provide expanded IT support 
>>>>> services to his users. The decision to extricate
>>>> himself from his total 
>>>>> dependence on Microsoft was based on sound
>>>> business and technology 
>>>>> principles, not some mindless lust for
>>>> retaliation.
>>>>> On the other hand, don't believe for a
>> nanosecond
>>>> Microsoft's extremely 
>>>>> poor judgment in selecting AWC as a target in a
>>>> software-licensing 
>>>>> intimidation campaign, and Frantz's earnestness
>> to
>>>> demonstrate that 
>>>>> Apple is a viable alternative to Microsoft in
>>>> large companies, are 
>>>>> unrelated. They are, in fact, inextricably
>> linked.
>>>> "
>>>>> "The thing that is really sad about this whole
>>>> affair is that Auto 
>>>>> Warehousing Company is virtually a dedicated
>>>> Microsoft shop, due to my 
>>>>> (prior) professional respect for your company.
>> As
>>>> I have spoken at 
>>>>> global conferences and been quoted many times in
>>>> the IT trade press, I 
>>>>> have reinforced that AWC is a Microsoft shop and
>>>> that we are proud of 
>>>>> that fact. It is extremely unfortunate that it
>> is
>>>> now clear that your 
>>>>> many detractors are actually the ones that are
>>>> correct."
> <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=298572&source=rss_topic14>
> <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=298043>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> And how does Microsoft feel I wonder about this? 
>> Do
>>>> they even care?  
>>>> For every customer they lose, are they gaining
>> 1-2+
>>>> more somewhere else?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Michael J. Babcock, MCP
>>>> MB Software Solutions, LLC
>>>> http://mbsoftwaresolutions.com
>>>> http://fabmate.com
>>>> "Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom
>> software
>>>> solutions!"
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