On Jul 25, 2007, at 5:06 PM, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) wrote:

> "Dammit, Jim, I'm a programmer, not a sysadmin!"

"Dammit, Client, I'm a, um, a, --- what the Hell am I, anyway?"

Just so frustrating having a PHP install and a new (at least in the  
context of IIS) option thrown at me:

PROGRAM: Do you want "BaaKaa" or "Flippipp" IIS?

ME: What's the difference? You never asked me this before?

PROGRAM: I said "BaaKaa" or "Flippipp"?!?! What do you want!

ME: But I-I don't.... (lip beginning to quiver)

PROGRAM: ANSWER NOW! Your penalty will be 2 days of billable time!  
<evil laugh>

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