On 8/9/07, Mark Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so you've both (Ed & Ted) put more or less the same scenario.

Great minds? Or guys who've just been hanging around a long, long time?

> Of course, I'd still like an answer to my previous question.  If this
> is really not doable and views can only update one table, how much of
> an advantage are they really, except to give server tables a "local
> presence"?

Perhaps you are expecting too much from views.

A view is a means of separating your processing code from the way the
data is implemented on the back end. Backends can be changed, fields
can be added, data normalized and the code calling the view doesn't
need to change (even if the view may need to be recreated a few times
along the way). Seems like some advantages to me.

It sounds like you're expecting views to be an entire data manager
layer. That's not what they do. MS tried to create one with
cursoradaptors; I think they missed several important points. Doug
Hennig added some great functionality to them in 8.0 and 9.0, but I
never got a chance to use those versions. Andy Kramek proposed a
DBF-based one I really liked: it created views on the fly by
assembling SQL and submitting it via SPT, and then took the resultant
marked-up cursor and generated the SQL to pass back to the back-end to
Insert, update or delete as appropriate.

Cubes are primarily for querying data, not for updating it. You ought
to make sure you understand what they're offering before you invest to
much into that one.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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