I feel like I oughta get a corncob pipe, a straw hat, some bib overalls, 
and start pickin' Duellin' Banjos when I ask this question....

I never done and gone wrote a DVD before, and I shore am plumb skeered 
to try, aina-hey.

I'ma fixin' to get hooked up to a box with the following:

0670368  16X DVD+/-RW (LS/DL/DF) No S/W                          1

which sure looks like it's a DVD writer to me, wouldcha y'all say?

OK, s'pposin' thet it 'tis, next I gotta go out thar and buy me some of 
them DVD blanks, doncha know. Any tips? The Best Buy 'round these parts 
has 'bout fifty different kinds.

P.S. I honest-to-god was in a meeting with a bunch of IS folks once 
where the lead IT guy said, "We bin fixin' to get ourselves a new server 
for some time now." I swear I am not making this up.

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