> For VFP it's soap based so you are going to receive xml.
> Just parse it and be done with it.
> I'm not suggesting your delivery of updates this way!  Just the check if you 
> need it.

VFP abstracts it so you don't see the XML. Personally, my webservices
all have just 2 parameters in VFP-- inputXML and outputXML. I can then
define in my own code what should be there and handle good defaults if
it's not(i.e. mis-matched client/server versions-- very common when
you distribute software).

As for updates, I use the soap/XML converations for control, and have
a seperate 'pickup' directory for temporary compressed files for
reading/writing(http PUT commands to let the client upload). This
works very well, and we have many thousands of these conversations
take place every day world-wide now.


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