Some more questions!

(sorry, couldn't remember if the file created by pack was a tbk,bak or tmp
but tmp makes sense)

I don't know if a pack does a delete dbf, rename tmp to dbf, delete tmp so
it may be an idea to check you can both rename and delete files in explorer
just in case it is a rights issue. I had one "it specialist" remove delete
rights for my application so it crapped out whenever it tried to remove temp
As some temp files are in memory and don't touch the disk the error message
looked sporadic until I worked out what he'd done.

Diskspace? make sure there is definitely enough space for the real file and
its copy. As fox can/does stick files in c:\windows\temp (set("_temp")?)
make sure you have local diskspace also.

Do any of the files show as readonly in explorer/file properties.

Does the account you are running in have local rights to c:\. Ensure the
logged on network user is a local admin to check.

You can also identify if its a rights issue by running as admin on the
For XP and beyond it may be worth setting the network user up as a local
admin also

I would certainly suggest turning antivirus off for a moment or ensure it is
not scanning dbf,fpt etc etc.

Has Norton AV been on the machines previously, norton is notorious for not
uninstalling properly particularly where script blocking is concerned.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John J. Mihaljevic
Sent: 27 September 2007 17:40
Subject: RE: DBFs disappearing when PACKing

Hi all,

Just did some more testing on this, so here are some answers to the
questions that were asked of me yesterday.

First off, it's apparently not a VFP9 problem, as it's also happening with
VFP6.  That leads me to believe there's some kinda networking issue (Server
2003 on our server) or a Vista issue (on each of our workstations).
Combining this with the fact that we're unable to save files on our server
from Microsoft Office 2007, I'm starting to think it's some kinda rights
issues.  But even so, here are my responses to the emails I got from
everyone yesterday (Thanks much to everyone!!!):

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Brown (CompSYS)
> "it's gone.  The CDX is still there, but the DBF is gone."
> Sorry didn't make clear, is there a parts.tbk instead of the dbf when
> it vanishes?

There is not, but there's a big TMP file there.  When I USE that TMP file,
it appears to be the original DBF with the deleted records successfully
removed.  Strange that it'd stay in a TMP file and not the correctly-named

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Weller
> A WAG - is the index corrupt?

The index file is fine.  I've reindexed and tried this with several files.
Which brings me to your next question...

> Does this happen with other DBFs or just Parts?

It happens with every DBF I try to PACK on the network.  I can successfully
PACK DBFs on my local C-drive, but not on our network's F-drive.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Cushing
> How many records are in the table and how many should be there after
> the pack?

In one example, there are 13,963 records in the original DBF.  I tried
deleting one, and the TMP I mentioned above has 13,962 records, which is
correct.  The only problem is the error message and the fact that it's
leaving me with a TMP file instead of the correctly-named DBF file.

> Have you tried doing the same thing with a version on the C drive to
> see if it makes any difference?

Yes.  Everything is fine on C.

> Is the table free standing or part of a DBC

This is a free-standing DBF.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Brown (CompSYS)
> When a table is packed doesn't it copy to a temp name either a tbk or
> bak or something like delete then copy back the other way.

Apparently so, since I'm getting a TMP with the correct data.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
> I recently had several clients running an anti-virus called BitDefender
> which caused this problem.
> I now pack the files manually with zap and append commands.
> XP, Vista, Local, or Network didn't matter. The common factor was
> BitDefender.

I'm using McAfee on this machine.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:profoxtech-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vince Teachout
> I don't know the answer, but if you do this:
> Use Parts Order 1 Excl
> Set Deleted OFF
> Copy for .NOT. Deleted() to MyTest
>     Question: Does Mytest now exist, and if so, is it the same size?
>     If not I would guess data corruption.

Yes.  Everything is okay if I do it that way.  That's what I've been doing
in the meantime until I figure out how (if?) I can PACK normally again.

>     Continuing:
>     Question: Does Mytest still exist, or is it gone, also?

Mytest remains.  No problems.  But then, there aren't any deleted records in
your example for it to remove.  But when I delete a record in Mytest and
PACK, I get the error again.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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