Y'all are all getting bent out of shape about the wrong part of the phrase 
'white Christian males', totally missing the point.  The color is only 
important as it lets people have someone to criticize and get away with it.  
The last two words are the keys... when we have males acting like men rather 
than whiney little boys or spoiled self centered brats, we have the strength 
that makes society run smoothly.  This is not to downplay the value of women, 
however when we have males who have been Oprafied to the point of 
inefectiveness, we have nothing.  Then the last word, whether you believe the 
same way or not, shows a sense of knowing ones self and the value of others 
that is not subject to the results of political correctness or the latest 
Gallop poll... or Cosmo poll for that matter... thus they can be scary people 
by those who want to run society.

Larry Miller 

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