Paul Hill wrote:
> On 11/6/07, Ricardo Aráoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Paul Hill wrote:
>>> On 11/5/07, Ricardo Aráoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>>>> Could you imagine how bad this country would be if the
>>>>> White Christian Males left the country?
>>>> I always get disoriented with these color references. What does "White"
>>>> mean to you? Is it only anglo-saxon, or do latins (e.g. French) qualify.
>>>>  If latins don't qualify then, what do you do with the fact that there
>>>> is a lot of latin blood in anglo-saxons? I mean, the Romans conquered
>>>> the little island, and later the French did the same.
>>> I think you will find it was the Normans rather than the French!
>> I don't recall that country... Oh, yes! It's a part of France, La
>> Normandie, where the Normans come from, just like Alsace, Lorraine, and
>> so many other regions of La France.
>> Allons Garcons de la Patriiiie
>> le jour de gloire est'arrivé...
> Now it's part of France but it wasn't back then.
>>From the page Jean helpfully linked to:
> "The name of Normandy is derived from the settlement and conquest of
> the territory by Vikings ("Northmen") from the 9th century, and
> confirmed by treaty in the 10th century. For a century and a half
> following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, Normandy and England
> were linked by Norman rulers, but following 1204 the continental
> territory was ultimately held by France."

Are we speaking the same language?
If they are French now, then they would be considered "Latin", wouldn't
they? If you would not then please let me know the line from where
"Latin" begins.
So, back to the matter. What in hell does "White" stand for? Haven't
heard an explanation from the original users of the word (Paul, Mikey).

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