Sometimes, Nick, it boils down to
'which crystal ball are you comfortable with?'

Ages Past, the 'normal way' to do this
was to:
1.  write a Requirements Document based on Requirements Elicitation
Methodologies garnered from the CMM (Capability Maturity Model).
2.  Apply the Metrics of Function Point Computational Analysis to the
Requirements Document, and look at the functional grid that explained the
time and costing for each language that MIGHT be in the selection.

But - you've raised up 2 more variables -
1.  10 year lifespan (easy to think at first, hard to project for future,
as the hardware and os vendors are changing things.
2.  64 bit OS

Each 64 bit OS's approach to running 32 bit apps is different, I waon't go
into that here - but you'll need to discover 'what that is' - if indeed
you feel a VFP-based solution is the thing to use.

One Vendor, IBM, thinks it's linux-based servers will fit the bill for
your application needs, 64 bit, regardless of the datastore.  I'm not
suggesting you go with them, but I do suggest you study their current
marketing materials, and perhaps even call in a database-centric IBM
partner in your area for a small consult.

Good Luck ! Yer at a painful and critical stage, pre-analysis.

Regards [Bill]

William Sanders / efGroup

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