>Target-bombing civilians and non-military facilities to inflict severe
>damage to the enemy psychic was first adopted by Winston Churchill.
>Such a creative thinking was a big surprise even to the generals of NAZI
>Dresden bombing is one of the well-known examples. Such approach has been
>passed to US military and became a tradition trademarked by carpet-bombing
>of US Air Forces.

I have to go with the Israeli philosophy that there are no civilians.  They may 
not wear a uniform or carry a gun, but they form the support network for the 
military effort... hence Dresden bombings and Japanese cities.  Beyond this 
even, it gets down to psychological warfare and destroying the enemies will to 

Oh yes, and I seem to remember that the Nazis were heavily bombing London and 
other cities in the UK, then later, sending buzz bombs across the channel.  I 
guess that was OK?

Larry Miller 

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