Pete Theisen wrote:
> On Friday 04 April 2008 14:35, Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>> Really.  What is DHS project "Endgame"???
> Hi Leland!
> Oh, stuff and bother. Of course they have to have a contingency plan for 
> something like this, what if there were a massive population movement across 
> the border, should we let the refugee invasion mob our population centers 
> demanding food and shelter from the civilian population?

This is paranoid and has never happened in the past, so why the urgency 
now.  Is the sky falling?  LOL  I find the DHS and FEMA plans deeply 


> The facility in the u-tube video looked very much like the place where I 
> worked, the gates were identical, probably even the same manufacturer. You 
> see these at ball parks as well. I think it was a civilian facility that went 
> vacant and the government picked it up to repair trains and store stuff.
>>> I worked in a facility like that while I was doing my Pre-med. It was a
>>> grocery store warehouse. The security stuff you see is standard for
>>> warehouses, designed to prevent employee theft, it is that bad.

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