On Friday 04 April 2008 15:59, Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> Pete Theisen wrote:
> > On Friday 04 April 2008 14:35, Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> >> Really.  What is DHS project "Endgame"???

> > Oh, stuff and bother. Of course they have to have a contingency plan for
> > something like this, what if there were a massive population movement
> > across the border, should we let the refugee invasion mob our population
> > centers demanding food and shelter from the civilian population?
> This is paranoid and has never happened in the past, so why the urgency
> now.  Is the sky falling?  LOL  I find the DHS and FEMA plans deeply
> disturbing.

Hi Leland!

We have never had the threats before as we have now. We have to take it 
seriously. Oh, how many times have we heard that something couldn't happen 
because it hasn't before?

So they shouldn't be prepared? Or we should just tax ourselves 100% and send 
the money to Mexico as a bribe to keep the people over there at ten times the 
cost of setting up a contingency plan?


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