I am in the process of converting to PostgreSQL. I would like to do everything 
I need using my existing DBC/DBF files first to be 
sure I have all the data access separated from the user interface and also get 
some experience. This is a very old application 
dating back to 1977 using Basic Plus on DEC computers, converted to Fox dos 
then VFP with more than 1 million lines of code so it 
will take some time. Mainly I am just playing around trying to decide how I 
want to do it.

My code is using ole db and recordsets. I should have put more code: (think I 
figured out how to browse using some code on 
foxite.com) vfp has really incredible resources available. I hope python is 
that good when I finally get everything converted in 
about 4 - 6 years. I hope there are other people on this list going through a 
similar conversion. Foxite has more examples than you 
have time to review.

* my code below. This does work and is a good start for accessing anything in 
the dbc
loCN = Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
loRS = Createobject([ADODB.RecordSet])

loCN.ConnectionString = "provider=vfpoledb.1;data 

If loCN.State = 1    && If Connection is fine, create RecordSet
   loRS.ActiveConnection = loCN
   loRS.CursorType = 1 && adOpenKeySet
   loRS.LockType   = 3 && adLockOptimistic
   loRS.Open("Select * From m6nmpt")

   ?loRS.RecordCount   && Display Number of Records
   loRS.MoveFirst    && Start At the Top of the File

   Do While Not loRS.Eof
      ? "******************** new record"
      For lnI = 1 To loRS.Fields.Count
         If lnI = 1
            ? loRS.Fields(lnI-1).Value
            ? loRS.Fields(lnI-1).Value

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ProFox Email List" <profox@leafe.com>
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Passthrough and ODBC

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:48 PM, kam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you show me the code to browse a specific table (or select * from
> MyTable)
> OConn is an object with properties so the code below seems to work. In
> this dbc there is a table named m6nmpt.dbf and a view to
> look at all the data named vnmpt  (the view has the same data you would
> get from select * from m6nmpt). Even better, is there a
> reference for working with oledb in vfp9 sp2?  the Microsoft site has a
> lot of information, but it is very superficial and never
> (at least I can't find it) shows the code for accessing/updating data.
>  OConn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
>   OConn.ConnectionString = "provider=vfpoledb.1;data
> source=U:\ssi\304901\Share\ptshare.dbc"
>   OConn.Open

Are you in VFP and using ODBC for a dbf?  Why?

Why not open database U:\ssi\304901\Share\ptshare.dbc
Then do the Select from there?

No if your in VB, Delphi etc then you need that oldeb functionality.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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