On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM, kam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am in the process of converting to PostgreSQL. I would like to do
> everything I need using my existing DBC/DBF files first to be
> sure I have all the data access separated from the user interface and also
> get some experience. This is a very old application
> dating back to 1977 using Basic Plus on DEC computers, converted to Fox
> dos then VFP with more than 1 million lines of code so it
> will take some time. Mainly I am just playing around trying to decide how
> I want to do it.


OTTOMH I think that you will have to refactor a lot of this code to work
BETTER with a non xBase backend.

> >>snip

>   ?loRS.RecordCount   && Display Number of Records
>   loRS.MoveFirst    && Start At the Top of the File
>   Do While Not loRS.Eof
>      ? "******************** new record"
>      For lnI = 1 To loRS.Fields.Count
>         If lnI = 1
>            ? loRS.Fields(lnI-1).Value
>         Else
>            ? loRS.Fields(lnI-1).Value
>         Endif
>      Endfor
>      loRS.MoveNext()
>   Enddo
> Endif


I think that you will find iterating through datasets frustrating.  Can you
make a strongly typed object in VFP?  Like :
loRS.CustNumber, loRS.CustID?

> Stephen Russell
> Sr. Production Systems Programmer
> Mimeo.com
> Memphis TN
> 901.246-0159
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>  text/plain (text body -- kept)
>  text/html
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