On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 7:50 PM, MB Software Solutions General Account
> Stephen Russell wrote:
>>>> You could keep it as char() and have him do the conversion on his
>>>> side.  You indexs should work for finding.  He/she can do the
>>>> conversion from their side as needed.
>>> Steve, an Integer field stores values from -2,xxx,yyy,zzz to
>>> 2,xxx,yyy,zzz so how would leaving it as a 8 byte char() work better?
>>> That's one digit less, if I understand you correctly.  ???
>>> Are you trying to multi-thread again?  <g>
>> I thought that I was saying you could do the storage in char() and
>> have them do the conversion on their side for the data.Type() they
>> want to use.  All you are presenting is storage.
> Then how do you represent 2,123,456,789 in a char(8) field using your idea?

2,123,456,789 in hex is: 7E, 91, 61, 15

Convert these bytes back to decimal:
126, 145, 97, 21

So to store this number in 8 characters you would use:
Chr(0) + Chr(0) + Chr(0) + Chr(0) + Chr(126) + Chr(145) + Chr(97) + Chr(21)
(this assumes big-endian 'most significant byte first' format...)

Which should work, but I don't know if fox will mess up the character codes...

BINTOC(2123456789,"S") almost does what you want but only returns 4
bytes (unless it's a float)

n = 2123456789
FOR x=1 TO LEN(a)

 = 126, 145, 97, 21

You probably don't want to work with big-endian format if you're
talking to other systems as Intel chips use little-endian.
Let me know if you need any help!


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