Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Ricardo Araoz wrote:
>> Funny that. If you hire a lawyer or an engineer you would be adamant  
>> in
>> keeping your right to fire him at any time (nothing about the engineer
>> "focus on doing what is right, not what is" your wish "at the moment".
>> Same thing if you hired an accountant to straighten up your economy.  
>> Yet
>> when it comes to govt you have swallowed this lies without even  
>> chewing
>> them, and you'll accept things you wouldn't accept in any other aspect
>> of your life.
>       If it were "my" engineer, then sure, that would be the way I would  
> handle things. But that's not analogous to an elected government, in  
> which roughly half or so did not pick that engineer. Instead of  
> letting him do his job, this disgruntled half would spend their time  
> trying to remove him. I think back to the days of the Clinton  
> presidency, in which the Republicans focused exclusively on "getting"  
> him. As a result, very little governing got done, and lots of money  
> was spent on these witch hunts.
>       How I deal with people who are answerable only to me is very  
> different than how I deal with someone who is answerable to an entire  
> group, of which I am but a member. You seem to be confusing the two  
> situations.
> -- Ed Leafe

If a club or a society (let's say a neighbors society) would hire an
engineer, they would also insist in being able to fire him at will. And
that's a group of people. Besides if roughly half the people does not
want him to do what he is doing that means that something's wrong with
the project even if a tad more than half wants it. In that case in an
anarchist society they would "secede"(?) and each half of the country
(two new countries) would go the way it sees fit. You see, I never liked
the fact that the north won your civil war, the south had a right to be
independent and manage their states as they felt would be better.

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