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Southwest Fox 2008
October 16 - 19, 2008

Announcing the fifth annual Southwest Fox Conference presenting the latest in 
Microsoft Visual FoxPro development techniques. Sessions include changes in VFP 
9.0 SP2, Sedna components, VFPX, interop with other technologies, and a track 
for fundamentals and best practices.

Session and track details here:

Location: Arizona Golf Resort and Conference Center, Mesa, Arizona

The conference has four simultaneous sessions, 30 different topics, four 
pre-conference sessions, and an information packed keynote planned.

A VFP conference for VFP Developers

Extra Benefits:
** xSQL Software is giving away a free license of xSQL Data Compare Pro to 
every conference participant and you can have it as soon as you register! See 
the Register page for details.

** Between Geek Gatherings, Tightline Computers, Dan Freeman, and Andrew 
MacNeill, attendees have eight chances to win an MSDN Premium Subscription, 
worth almost $11,000 each! Altogether there is over US$100,000 worth of prizes 
for drawing.

** We're creating videos for some of the sessions to give you an idea of what 
you'll see.

Important dates coming up:
October 16, 2008 - Conference starts

Lots of other surprises are in the planning stages. User groups can get 
discounts paid back to the group if you register the organization.

For more information, please contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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