It happens to R mailings all the time... even in VA.  It should never happen, 
but it makes me chuckle when it happens to Ds and we hear them whine.

Larry Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: Kristyne McDaniel 
To: 'ProFox Email List' 
Sent: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 19:14:30 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [OT] Tampered Mail (this has happened to us too)

Hi Everybody,

Back when we had an office in a strip mall in Wildomar, we apparently got
the postal worker upset with us for some unknown reason. She hid just some
of our mail in a corner of the post office, and it went undelivered for over
3 months. The biggest problem was that we did not receive invoices from some
vendors and wound up getting way behind on their billing because the
invoices did not get delivered. It took us about 3 more months to get it all
fixed and get our payments up to date.

The postal worker was 'talked to' by her manager, but she still has her job.

Something similar has just happened to congressional candidate Dan Seals in

We have very little spare cash right now, but we sent some of it to him.
Please give it some thought about whether you might also want to help

I hate stories like this. Disgruntled postal workers get away with a lot of
Kristyne McDaniel

From: Dan Seals for Congress [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:28 AM
Subject: Tampered Mail

Last week, thousands of Seals supporters should have received our campaign's
final direct mailing. Unfortunately, those letters were tampered with and
never left the post office.  Authorities are now investigating the
situation, but we have already missed a critical opportunity to raise funds
and keep Dan on the air in the final days of our campaign.


The campaign's final direct mail piece, which included a quote from Senator
Barack Obama supporting Dan, was set to hit the mail boxes of thousands of
supporters last week. The mail was received by the United States Post Office
and then transferred that same day to a United States Post Office
Distribution Center.  

After realizing that supporters had not received the letter, we discovered
that the mail had been set aside and out of sight at the post office. The
letters were supposed to have been treated as first class mail. They were


We lost the money that we would have raised over the past week if the
mailing had been delivered on schedule. With the election just days away, we
need to raise money to keep Dan on air

MlNnPGHJGiEDnQ> , in the third most expensive media market in the country,
so that he can continue to communicate his positive message of change to
every 10th district voter.


Please contribute to our campaign today and help us raise $10,000 by
Midnight tonight

MlNnPGHJGiEDnQ> .  We had counted on these contributions and with only 4
days to go we cannot take a single dollar for granted.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Team Seals

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