The payroll tax is to fund the worker's social security for his 
retirement.  The money paid into SS is owned by the payer, and should 
not be used to fund government.  The government is a trustee of Social 
Security fund with a fiduciary responsibility to manage the funds until 
they are needed by the individual upon retirement.  It is a bad idea to 
commingle income taxes money with Social Security trust funds.



Michael Madigan wrote:
> They are taking federal tax money from the middle class and giving it to 
> people who pay no federal tax. 
> why don't they just lower the payroll tax?
> ************************************************* 
> Barack Obama Antichrist gear
> --- On Sun, 11/2/08, Leland F. Jackson, CPA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [OT] Obama's redistribution plan at work
>> To: "ProFox Email List" <>
>> Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 2:32 PM
>> Really?  If I didn't know you to be fair and honest, I
>> would have 
>> mistakenly thought you a shadowy smear monger deliberately
>> pushing a 
>> misleading rumor about Barack's tax policies with the
>> intention of 
>> manipulating voters.  LOL
>> #--------------------------------
>> Obama and Biden will cut income taxes by $1,000 for working
>> families to 
>> offset the payroll tax they pay.
>>     * *Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families:* Obama and
>> Biden will
>>       restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150
>> million workers
>>       the tax relief they need. Obama and Biden will create
>> a new
>>       "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500
>> per person, or $1,000
>>       per working family. The "Making Work Pay"
>> tax credit will
>>       completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million
>> Americans.
>>     * *Eliminate Income Taxes for Seniors Making Less than
>> $50,000:*
>>       Barack Obama will eliminate all income taxation of
>> seniors making
>>       less than $50,000 per year. This proposal will
>> eliminate income
>>       taxes for 7 million seniors and provide these seniors
>> with an
>>       average savings of $1,400 each year. Under the
>> Obama-Biden plan,
>>       27 million American seniors will also not need to
>> file an income
>>       tax return.
>>     * *Simplify Tax Filings for Middle Class Americans:*
>> Obama and Biden
>>       will dramatically simplify tax filings so that
>> millions of
>>       Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than
>> five
>>       minutes. Obama and Biden will ensure that the IRS
>> uses the
>>       information it already gets from banks and employers
>> to give
>>       taxpayers the option of pre-filled tax forms to
>> verify, sign and
>>       return. Experts estimate that the Obama-Biden
>> proposal will save
>>       Americans up to 200 million total hours of work and
>> aggravation
>>       and up to $2 billion in tax preparer fees.
>>     * Obama will cut income taxes on 95% of taxpayers, (eg
>> those with
>>       incomes below $250,000.00.  His take policies are
>> geared towards
>>       helping the working middle class, as management, CEO,
>> wealthy
>>       individuals, and big corporations can pretty well
>> take care of
>>       themselves.
>> #----------------------------------
>> Regards,
>> LelandJ
>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>> Pay attention.
>>> The Obama plan is to raise the rates on the upper
>> middle-class and then send a check to someone who
>> doesn't pay any federal taxes.
>>> That's not a prgressive tax, that's a
>> redistribution of income.
>>> ************************************************* 
>>> Barack Obama Antichrist gear
>>> --- On Sun, 11/2/08, Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>>>> Subject: Re: [OT] Obama's redistribution plan
>> at work
>>>> To: "ProFox Email List"
>> <>
>>>> Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 2:08 PM
>>>> A progressive income tax is not really giving my
>> money away
>>>> to someone 
>>>> else.  Its about how much each person pays in
>> income tax
>>>> for government 
>>>> services received.  Under a progressive income
>> tax, the
>>>> greater my 
>>>> income, the greater my contribution to the
>> government, but
>>>> then the 
>>>> greater my income, the greater the value of the
>> government
>>>> services I 
>>>> receive.  This is only fair; since, the wealthiest
>>>> individual receive 
>>>> more benefits from the government, than say
>> someone working
>>>> for a 
>>>> minimum wage that really doesn't have that
>> much to
>>>> lose.
>>>> I've heard a lot of bitching and complaining
>> about how
>>>> complex and 
>>>> taxing the current system is with many calling for
>> a flat
>>>> tax where 
>>>> everybody pay a flat percentage of their income to
>> Uncle
>>>> Sam.  The 
>>>> amount of tax paid under a flat tax increases as
>> the income
>>>> level of the 
>>>> individual increases, but the rate of tax remain
>> the same
>>>> based on the 
>>>> tax as a percentage of income.  Well, let's
>> really make
>>>> thing simple and 
>>>> have everyone pay a flat $1,000 tax; period.  Now
>>>> wouldn't that be 
>>>> simple.  There wouldn't even be a need to file
>> an
>>>> income tax return; 
>>>> since, the amount of income a person earned would
>> not be
>>>> relevant to the 
>>>> tax calculation.  Under such a tax, the homeless
>> guy who
>>>> has zero income 
>>>> and Bill Gates who earns billions would both be
>> required to
>>>> pay $1,000 
>>>> in taxes.   With something over 300 million people
>> in the
>>>> USA, this 
>>>> would theoretically bring in about 3 trillion in
>> tax
>>>> revenue each year.  
>>>> See how simple it gets.  However, is a flat amount
>> tax
>>>> fair?  I'll 
>>>> answer my own question.  It's not only unfair,
>> it not a
>>>> viable system 
>>>> and would quickly wreck our economy.
>>>> Although a flat rate tax as a percentage of income
>> is not
>>>> as extreme as 
>>>> a flat amount tax, they are both unfair and
>> difficult to
>>>> administer; 
>>>> because, people in different income level have
>> very
>>>> different needs.  I 
>>>> suppose an entire book could be written on this
>> subject,
>>>> including the 
>>>> concept of diminishing return as it applies to
>> income
>>>> level, but I don't 
>>>> have time to get into that today, but saying
>> Senator
>>>> Obama's tax plan is 
>>>> a tax give of anyones income by government
>> distribution is
>>>> not true.
>>>> The progressive tax system in the USA has served
>> Americans
>>>> well over 
>>>> many, many, year, so why change a good thing.  The
>> Bush
>>>> Administration 
>>>> change in tax policy adversely affected the USA
>> economy to
>>>> the point 
>>>> that America is now in a recession, and the Bush
>> tax
>>>> changes resulted in 
>>>> a economic stimulus package to returned millions
>> of income
>>>> tax dollars 
>>>> back to the American people, so they had enough
>> reward in
>>>> the GDP to 
>>>> participate by consuming some of the products they
>> labored
>>>> so hard to 
>>>> produce.  Remember, the American consumer helps
>> drive the
>>>> economy, and 
>>>> helps to create the wealth held in the hand of big
>>>> Corporations, 
>>>> management, and super wealthy individuals, and the
>> bulk of
>>>> consumption 
>>>> of good is service takes place by middle income
>> folks.  LOL
>>>>  Senator 
>>>> Obama's suggested tax policy is just to return
>> the tax
>>>> system back to a 
>>>> point where it is balanced and functioning again.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> LelandJ
>>>> John wrote:
>>>>> No kidding today on my way to lunch I passed a
>>>> homeless guy with a sign that
>>>>> read 'Vote Obama, I need the money.' I
>>>> laughed.
>>>>> I got into the restaurant and again no kidding
>> my
>>>> server had on a 'Obama 08'
>>>>> tie, again I laughed as he had given away his
>>>> political preference--just
>>>>> imagine the coincidence.
>>>>> When the bill came I decided not to tip the
>> server and
>>>> explained to him that
>>>>> I was exploring the Obama redistribution of
>> wealth
>>>> concept. He stood there
>>>>> in
>>>>> disbelief while I told him that I was going to
>>>> redistribute his tip to
>>>>> someone who I deemed more in need--the
>> homeless guy
>>>> outside. The server
>>>>> angrily stormed from my sight.
>>>>> I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and
>> told him
>>>> to thank the server
>>>>> inside as I 've decided he could use the
>> money
>>>> more. The homeless guy was
>>>>> grateful.
>>>>> At the end of my rather unscientific
>> redistribution
>>>> experiment I realized
>>>>> the homeless guy was grateful for the money he
>> did not
>>>> earn, but the waiter
>>>>> was pretty angry that I gave away the money he
>> did
>>>> earn even though the
>>>>> actual recipient needed money more.
>>>>> I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier
>> thing to
>>>> swallow in concept
>>>>> than in practical application.
>>>>> You might try this experiment yourself
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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