Bob Calco wrote:
> Geoff:
>> There's nothing 'alleged' about his racism. He admits it and if you can
>> get
>> past your hatred of Obama long enough to think, you will realise it as
>> well.
> If he admits it, then why are you going to such pains to prove to him and
> everyone else that he's racist, as it were, "definitionally"?
> BTW, I don't "hate" Obama, I am simply diametrically opposed to everything
> he stands for (quite apart from what he says he stands for, half of which
> I'm also opposed to). I resent the false pretenses under which he was
> elected, on many different levels, and I dread the next 2 to 4 years in a
> way I've never dreaded political goings-on, even after 9/11. 
> I view him as a dangerous fraud and I perceive in my spirit that what is
> about to happen will be very unfortunate and take generations to set right.
> I hope I'm wrong, but I even predicted to my closest friends that he'd
> surround himself with Clintonites. This seemed to shock a lot of folks, but
> it's totally predictable, and the first step in his Alinsky programme, and
> quite in character.

Clintonites!?!?!? Wow! Now you are totally screwed. Everybody knows
Clinton administration destroyed USA and left  a HUGE debt.

> People who voted for him should really read his books.
>> I'm no pigeon-holing anyone. If a person speaks like a racist, acts
>> like a
>> racist and admits being a racist then guess what... he is a racist! His
>> political beliefs are irrelevant to that distinction. Racism is a human
>> condition and does not belong to any one political group.
> Racism is just another of a long, hearty list of deadly human-isms. The
> human condition is "definitionally" depraved and unworthy of praise or
> worship. It needs, and craves, a savior.
> Obama ain't it. Quite the opposite.
> - Bob

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