I haven't hear or seen anything concerning Obama that sets of any of my 
alarm bells.  He seem very well intentioned and all his cabinet 
appointments have been men and woman with a centrist point of view.



Bob Calco wrote:
> Leland Ol' Buddy:
>> Is it to late to get President Elect Obama into the Skull and Bones.
>> Perhaps your opinion of President Elect Obama would be changed, if he
>> were to become a bonesman.  LOL
> All that energy you wasted trying to expose the Jewish neo-con conspiracy
> during Bush's presidency (available for all to see at AIPAC's public
> website) should now be directed at understanding Obama's covered-up ties to
> domestic terrorists, intellectual heritage owed to Marxist radicals, and $$$
> support of foreign powers that want to destroy this country from within. Not
> to mention his Kenyon birth, and chummy relations with communist thugs like
> Odinga, who claims he's his cousin (they descend from the same Luo tribe and
> have an uncle in common).
> BTW, that should be a trivia question.
> Q. What do Bill Ayers and Barack Obama have in common in the last 2 years?
> A. They both supported communist thugs on foreign soil. Obama supported and
> campaigned for Odinga against the Kenyon government last year (and into this
> year), and Ayers went to Caracas in 2006 to deliver a speech in praise of
> Hugo Chavez and his marvelous "education reform" in Venezuela. We know the
> context in which Ayers and Obama officially worked together was "education
> reform" and that they handed out hundreds of thousands of dollars to
> left-wing groups to support radical political programs under the pretext of
> "education reform." We also know that Bill Ayers lead the Weather
> Underground in deliberate acts of violence against the US government, and
> that Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did that, but knowing it didn't stop
> him from holding his very first campaign fundraiser in the terrorist's home.
> Of course, none of this bothers anybody who voted for him because "he's the
> first black president" and "he's not George Bush."
> Be careful what you ask for, you'll get it.
> :)
> - Bob
>> Regards,
>> LelandJ
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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