Geoff Flight wrote:
> Not really logical. The claim that you need to acknowledge and accept Him 
> while alive at least warrants some investigation.
If his laws are that I must "acknowledge" him with no proof of his
existence, save for the words of some shamans. And that if I don't I'll
rot in hell for eternity, no matter how good loving and caring my life
has been. Then I'd rather have nothing to do with a being that immature
and stupid.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Ricardo Aráoz
> Sent: Monday, 2 February 2009 2:01 PM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Chaves warms to Obama after character reference from Castro
> Geoff Flight wrote:
>> Perhaps you don’t know enough about God and grace and the whole wide scheme 
>> of things to truly understand Him. You are viewing things from a very narrow 
>> perspective. Perhaps you should research it some.
>> -
> Why should I? I don't need him. If he exists I'll deal with him when I'm
> dead. Till then, if he needs me, then he should research me some. If he
> doesn't need me, then I guess we'll leave each other be.

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