On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Leland F. Jackson,
CPA<lela...@mail.smvfp.com> wrote:
> I'm just listening to all the nonsense going around about
> President Obama, and his administration, being a bad thing,
> but it all seem to be baseless accusations, innuendo,
> insinuation, rumor mongering, hearsay, conspiracy theories,
> and outright fabrications/falsehoods, so I really have
> nothing to defend in President Obama's handling of his
> duties as President of the USA.


When did POTUS get the decision power over bankruptcy of companies?

I am sorry that his agenda is getting ramrodded up our asses real
fast.  When we need jobs why does the "green movement" get the only
funding?  When Green is costly, it is self serving, and is only an
asset withing semi urban centers.

Why is solar power going to be positive this time around and if failed
as soon as the money ran out in the 80s?

Why should ethanol be the fule mix?

I could go on but meeting in a few min.

> It appears that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been vindicated
> regarding her assertions that the CIA mislead congress, and
> the American people, during the W Bush Administration years.
>  CIA Director Leon Panetta reported this to be true, LOL
> but its nothing the American people, and everybody else for
> that matter, didn't already know.  CIA misleading congress
> is serious situation.  It doesn't get much scarier than that.
> I suspect President Obama will be cleaning up the mess left
> behind from the W Bush years for quite some time, while
> putting the USA back on a path leading to world peace,
> prosperity, and allow the USA to once again take its place
> as a major leader within the international community, so
> Obama plate couldn't be fuller.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20090709/pl_bloomberg/avp991mwyfpe_1
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> On 07/09/2009 08:43 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
>> Stephen Russell wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Geti<ng...@optonline.net>  wrote:
>>>> It is not the kind of waking up that I would hope for. These people are 
>>>> just
>>>> worried about their own skin in the job market. I want to see the people
>>>> wake up to more fundamental issues like the government running our lives 
>>>> and
>>>> going into breath-taking debt.
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>> Well that as a start.  Now add in that government wants to be
>>> responsible for your health and well being.  I have never seen a tax
>>> or law repealed so this is going to last longer than our lives.
>>> I didn't think that Obama would grab this much power.   Unfortunately
>>> he is doing it so fast.  He scares me more then Cheney did and that is
>>> not good.
>>> YMMV
>> Can't wait to hear the reaction from the prObama side.   Leland?  Ed?
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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