Not at all. The stock is recovering nicely. Our problems are not immense.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geoff" <>
To: "'ProFox Email List'" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 6:39 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] Things that make you go "Hmmm"

>< When he says he wants people "who created this mess not to do a lot of
> talking" but to "get out of the way" so he can "clean their mess," pray 
> tell
> me, where is the hope? Where is the unity? Where's the post-partisanship?>
> america's problems are so immense that merely tinkering around the edges 
> and
> playing 'the game' is unlikely to work. new ideas need new people and Bob,
> you are part of the old way of thinking; you are part of the problem.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Bob Calco
> Sent: Monday, 10 August 2009 6:07 AM
> To: 'ProFox Email List'
> Subject: RE: [OT] Things that make you go "Hmmm"
>> Bob Calco wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> >> Clinton was indifferent to America. That is worse, far worse, than
>> >> hating America. Obama is not indifferent, and he does not hate
>> America
>> >> but rather he hates inequality. I hate inequality.
>> >
>> > That is, you relate to him through envy, which explains your latent
>> > socialism.
>> Thank you Dr. Freud :-)
> You have pension envy, it's obvious to everyone... :)
>> > You are dead wrong about his attitude toward America, it was evident
>> in
>> > everything he said, did and didn't say or didn't do
>> Nah, you are overreacting, especially by inferring stuff to what he
>> didn't say and didn't do. Heaven help anyone who doesn't say *all* the
>> right things when you are listening!
> Let's see. When he says, "We need a civilian national security force, just
> as powerful, just as well-funded, as the US military," what am I to infer?
> When he says to his supporters, "I want you to get in their face, argue 
> with
> them," whatever does he mean?
> When he says, "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun," am I the only one 
> who
> sees past all the rhetoric about peace and diplomacy that the media 
> created
> to mythologize this thug as some kind of peacemaker?
> When he says he wants people "who created this mess not to do a lot of
> talking" but to "get out of the way" so he can "clean their mess," pray 
> tell
> me, where is the hope? Where is the unity? Where's the post-partisanship?
> When you really look into what he has written (or claimed he has written),
> and what he has done, and with whom he has done them, you see a very
> different person than the one people thought they were voting for, that 
> the
> media portrays and reinforces with its puff pieces and blatant propaganda.
> He is not who he says he is, nor is he doing that which you think he's
> doing.
> The layers of deception around this guy are so thick even obvious red 
> flags
> no other candidate could survive are being ignored, even by people who
> should know better.
> The truth will have out eventually. But at what cost?
> - Bob
>> > America is founded on equality under the law, based on endowment by
>> our
>> > Creator with certain inalienable rights, not equality of outcomes as
>> > measured by faceless government bureaucrats. You seem to relate to
>> Obama's
>> > clear passion for the latter and hatred of America for those times it
>> did
>> > not live up to its ideals.
>> >
>> > So you're secretly pulling for him to be successful "leveling the
>> field"
>> > even as you prepare to vote against him next go-round.
>> Of course! We are overdue for a correction. But we can't give away
>> everything so we have to get rid of him after one term.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Pete
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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