Gene Wirchenko wrote:
> At 12:04 2009-09-02, MB Software Solutions, LLC 
> <> wrote:
>> Tracy Pearson wrote:
>>> I compare lengths to see if there were any digits
>>> len(chrtran(alltrim(field),"0123456789","")) <> len(alltrim(field))
>> I like this approach the best....will add the '-' to it in case they've
>> stored that as well (and I think most have).  That would exclude the
>> ones with "1-800-555-1212 ext 123" though.  I guess I could add a
>> separate check for "ext" $ lower(phonenumber) and allow it if that's the
>> case.
>       Adding checks for "-" and "ext" is unnecessary.
>       You are misreading the code.
>       The condition means
>            if there is at least one digit in field
>       alltrim field.
>       Remove all digits.
>       Compare the length of resulting string to the length of alltrimmed 
> field.
>       If the two lengths differ, allow the phone number.
>       If they are the same, then no digits were present to be removed: reject.

Thanks for the clarification, Gene.  But you could have a situation 
where you have a partial number, but then again, you just can't protect 
against all kinds of bogus scenarios.  It's the 80/20 rule...code for 
the 80%, deal with the 20%.

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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