Yet another reason to thank God that minimus has no impact on policy.
Erecting trade barriers is the way you creat more problems than you can
possibly imagine (or believe, I bet).

You truly are a first-class paranoid (and verbose) idiot.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Publius Maximus
Sent: Sunday, 25 April 2010 10:16 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] GM Repays Govt Loans

> I wish good things for the new GM; only good things.  America need an
> industrial base, which can be provided by a strong auto industry.

If we really wanted an industrial base, we'd do away with the income
tax altogether, re-institute the ad-valorum tariff revenue system,
applicable to all articles of foreign manufacture, and eliminate
capital gains taxes on investments in American labor.

Free trade would mean, as it used to mean, joining the Union as a
state (with all the Constitutional rights and responsibilities

But we want a "one-world, ecumenical union of the peoples of the
world," to quote Bastiat, so, consequently, America (and every other
nation-state) must be destroyed.

And this is what is happening, all the world over.

All that is lacking is a world currency. Then, the Tower of Babel 2.0
will be complete.

As if Babel 2.0 has any better chance of success.

- Publius


"It ought never to be forgotten, that a firm union of this country,
under an efficient government, will probably be an increasing object
of jealousy to more than one nation of Europe; and that enterprises to
subvert it will sometimes originate in the intrigues of foreign
powers, and will seldom fail to be patronized and abetted by some of
them. Its preservation, therefore ought in no case that can be
avoided, to be committed to the guardianship of any but those whose
situation will uniformly beget an immediate interest in the faithful
and vigilant performance of the trust." [Federalist Papers #59]

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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