
> So you agree with me that it only shifts the load from the server to the
> client

I agree with you that among other things it distributes the workload.
The notion of client-server is actually changing, and becoming more of
a who-whom situation.

> and you say that this is good in order to use today's grid
> computer servers.

Not quite. I'm saying it makes the model far more distributed. Among
the things one might do with this fact is build or use grid computing

> I agree, but I'm not working for govt nor huge
> multinationals that may have the need for this massive data workload. So
> I think we may agree that this technology will be worth learning to the
> small subset of coders that work with massive data. The rest of us
> mortals will get no real advantage from this technology except it may
> look good in our CVs

Is it not generally useful to think of collections of objects, being
agnostic with respect to how and where they are stored "on the back
end" or how you got them? One can write code in a desktop app to
retrieve data from a web service and to/from a local database using
pretty much the same syntax and library methods for manipulation of
that data, i.e., unconscious even of the fact that one "talks XML" and
the other "talks SQL."

Personally I like that, and don't feel its the kind of forbidden fruit
only elite developers of massively parallel data-centric applications
get to taste.

- Publius

>> I don't expect *you* to get a real benefit out of it. You'd obviously
>> rather be grilling naked co-eds on your backyard pool BBQ than spend
>> time exploring new ways to expand your professional horizons. ;)
>> (Those of you who wisely don't follow our OT banter can safely assume
>> the above was an inside joke. I know Ricardo does not restrict his
>> voracious appetite to co-eds.)
> :-)
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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