On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Lou Syracuse <l...@iconmediadirect.com> wrote:

> Is anyone using source control with VFP?

Only the professionals. By definition, I think. You ain't one without
the other, imnsho.

> We need a solution that handles VFP and .NET projects.    Documents and SQL
> Server code would be good too.    In my last company we used Subversion and
> with Tortoise as the front-end and it worked pretty well; however Subversion
> is Apache-based and I know nothing about Apache.

Apache and Subversion are two completely different and unrelated
projects. Subversion does not depend on Apache. You might have run a
web-based application on Apache that let you access subversion over
the web (does WebDAV sound familiar?) but the two are as separate as
VFP and IIS.

> I've had too many issues with VSS to consider it (plus I think it has been 
> discontinued).

Agreed. I continue to support existing installations, but don't
encourage its use.

If you ever think you're going to step outside the Microsoft cone of
silence, I strongly recommend staying away from their proprietary
solutions. But you'd probably expect that from me :) Open Source will
set you free, and all that.

If you're ever going to need access to the source code when you're not
connected to the office network (on your laptop, in a plane, when the
server's down, bringing in a remote consultant/employee, etc.), I
strongly recommend you look at a "distributed version control system."
They're a little more hassle to set up and a bit of a learning curve
at first, but it means that remote code development and local code
development can proceed unhindered by the source code control system.
Most of the popular ones are very similar in functionality and
capabilities, and it's worth doing a little shopping for the one that
works best with your requirements: take a look at git, bzr ("bazaar"),
or mercurial.

The problem with asking for recommendations, of course, is that
everyone can only speak from their own experience, and their own
environments. We all have opinions on the "best" remote access
software or the "best" printer.  I'd encourage you to do a little
research at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revision_control and see what
best fits your needs.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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