Boyko, the discussion is futile whenyou do not believe that I am serious. But 
note that the expression    mc²  has the dimension of energy. The expression   
cm² (= 1cm²)   has the dimension of area. Neither of these expressions evaluate 
into a dimensionless number. 

- Bo

> Fra: Boyko Bantchev <>
>Sendt: 15:02 mandag den 10. december 2012
>Emne: Re: [Jprogramming] J v Python
>On 10 December 2012 08:19, Bo Jacoby <> wrote:
>> Boyko, congratulations! You manage to convince yourself that  cm²  is not an 
>> expression even if  mc²  is an expression. I don't follow.  3m*2m=6m². That 
>> is simple algebra where  m*m=m² . Nor do I know what you mean by 'pushing 
>> their meaning too far.'
>I know 'mc²' is an expression because it is present in a well-known
>formula.  Without that knowledge, I wouldn't know what it is at all.
>I also know 'cm²' is a symbol – a label denoting some unit of measure.
>Nothing in this label requires reading it as expression.
>I cannot believe that you are serious about not making difference
>between an expression and a label (or a name, if you prefer).
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