On my MacBook Pro the F10 key is the run all lines key in JQt. So what happens 
to me is that a new window appears that exactly overlays the original window. 
If I click on the title bar and move the window with the cube, I find the 
original window is still there underneath. 

To fix this I ignore the F10 key and put the functionality in the a_g_char 

First in a_g_paint the line that has the character keys that will produce an 

From: gl_text 'keys: x y z a s l r F10’
To: gl_text 'keys: x y z a s l r b’  NB. Chose b as the character to start and 
stop the cube

Then in a_g_char I add a line to handle the ‘b’ key being pressed:

a_g_char=: 3 : 0
if. 0=#sysdata do. return. end.
if. 'b' = 0 { sysdata do. STOP =: -.STOP return. end.   NB. This is the start 
stop functionality

R=: 360 | R + 2 * 'xyz' = 0 { sysdata
k=. 0{sysdata
STEPS=: 200 <. STEPS + 's' = k
STEPS=: 3 >. STEPS - 'a' = k
LR=: LR - 0.01*'l'=k
LR=: LR + 0.01*'r'=k
gl_paint 0

Finally one by-product of hitting the F10 key on the Mac is that once the 
second window is produced killing it using the kill window button in the window 
title bar causes all of JQt to crash and disappear.

BTW thanks to everyone for the OpenGL discussion I just started looking into 
this myself and you saved me a ton of time getting up to speed.

Tom McGuire

> On Feb 13, 2020, at 9:50 AM, Brian Schott <schott.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> I have changed the original F10 to produce `paint 0` and the usual key to
> produce `paint 1`.
> I have critical new information though: If I press x and y several times to
> reposition the cube in the expected manner, and then I press F10. The cube
> seems to go back to its original position (approximately?), so perhaps the
> revised gl_Translate is accomplishing something, but what?
> I am sending below the whole shaderb.ijs file.
> cocurrent 'demoshader'
> mp=: +/ . *
> sprog=: 0
> GLSL=: 0
> STOP=: 0
> A=: 0 : 0
> pc a;
> minwh 300 300;cc g opengl flush;
> rem form end;
> )
> a_run=: 3 : 0
> NB. if. -. checkrequire_qtdemo_ 'gles';'api/gles' do. return. end.
> require 'gl2'
> coinsert 'jgl2'
> require 'gles'
> coinsert 'jgles'
> require '~addons/ide/qt/opengl.ijs'
> coinsert 'qtopengl'
> STEPS=: 100
> R=: 20 30 0
> EYE=: 0 0 1
> LR=: UD=: IO=: 0
> UP=: 0 1 0
> wd A
> HD=: ".wd'qhwndc g'
> wd 'ptimer 100'
> wd 'pshow'
> )
> a_g_initialize=: 3 : 0
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_VERSION do. smoutput 'GL_VERSION: ', memr 0 _1
> 2,~ p end.
> if. 0=p do. smoutput 'cannot retrieve GL_VERSION' return. end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_VENDOR do. smoutput 'GL_VENDOR: ', memr 0 _1
> 2,~ p end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_RENDERER do. smoutput 'GL_RENDERER: ', memr 0
> _1 2,~ p end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION do. smoutput
> 'GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: ', memr 0 _1 2,~ p end.
> GLSL=: wglGLSL''
> wglPROC''
> sprog=: 0
> if. GLSL>120 do.
>  vsrc=. vsrc2
>  fsrc=. fsrc2
> else.
>  vsrc=. vsrc1
>  fsrc=. fsrc1
>  if. 0=GLES_VERSION_jgles_ do.
>    vsrc=. vsrc,~ '#define lowp', LF, '#define mediump', LF, '#define
> highp', LF
>    fsrc=. fsrc,~ '#define lowp', LF, '#define mediump', LF, '#define
> highp', LF
>  end.
> end.
> vsrc=. '#version ',(":GLSL),((GLSL>:300)#(*GLES_VERSION){::' core';'
> es'),LF,vsrc
> fsrc=. '#version ',(":GLSL),((GLSL>:300)#(*GLES_VERSION){::' core';'
> es'),LF,fsrc
> if.(GLSL>:300)*.0~:GLES_VERSION_jgles_ do.
>  fsrc=. ('void main';'out vec4 gl_FragColor;',LF,'void main')
> stringreplace fsrc
> end.
> smoutput vsrc
> smoutput fsrc
> 'err program'=. gl_makeprogram vsrc;fsrc
> if. #err do. smoutput err return. end.
> vertexAttr=: >@{. glGetAttribLocation program;'vertex'
> assert. _1~: vertexAttr
> colorAttr=: >@{. glGetAttribLocation program;'color'
> assert. _1~: colorAttr
> mvpUni=: >@{. glGetUniformLocation program;'mvp'
> assert. _1~: mvpUni
> glGenBuffers 2;vbo=: 2#_1
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {.vbo
> glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; (#vertexData); (symdat <'vertexData');
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {:vbo
> glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; (#colorData); (symdat <'colorData');
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; 0
> sprog=: program
> glClearColor 0; 0; 1; 0
> )
> a_g_char=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=#sysdata do. return. end.
> R=: 360 | R + 2 * 'xyz' = 0 { sysdata
> k=. 0{sysdata
> STEPS=: 200 <. STEPS + 's' = k
> STEPS=: 3 >. STEPS - 'a' = k
> LR=: LR - 0.01*'l'=k
> LR=: LR + 0.01*'r'=k
> gl_paint 0
> )
> a_timer=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=STOP do. return. end.
> R=: 360 | R + 2 * 1 1 1
> gl_sel HD
> gl_paint''
> )
> a_g_paint=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=sprog do. return. end.
> wh=. gl_qwh''
> glClearColor 0 0 0 0
> glUseProgram sprog
> glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST
> glEnable GL_CULL_FACE
> NB. matrix convention: current matrix on the left
> NB. note pre-multiplication
> NB. model-view
> if. y-:1 do. mvp=: gl_Translate 20 3 0
> else.
> mvp=: (gl_Rotate (0{R), 1 0 0 ) mp (gl_Rotate (1{R), 0 1 0) mp (gl_Rotate
> (2{R), 0 0 1) mp (gl_Scale STEPS%100) mp (gl_Translate 0 0 _8) mp
> glu_LookAt EYE,LR,UD,IO,UP
> NB. projection
> mvp=: mvp mp gl_Perspective 30, (%/wh),1 10
> end.
> NB. note GL_FALSE, no transpose
> glUniformMatrix4fv mvpUni; 1; GL_FALSE; mvp
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {.vbo
> glEnableVertexAttribArray vertexAttr
> glVertexAttribPointer vertexAttr; 3; GL_FLOAT; 0; 0; 0
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {:vbo
> glEnableVertexAttribArray colorAttr
> glVertexAttribPointer colorAttr; 3; GL_FLOAT; 0; 0; 0
> glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES; 0; 36
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; 0
> glDisableVertexAttribArray colorAttr
> glDisableVertexAttribArray vertexAttr
> glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST
> glDisable GL_CULL_FACE
> glUseProgram 0
> gl_clear ''
> gl_rgb 255 255 255
> gl_textcolor ''
> gl_textxy 10 30
> gl_text 'keys: x y z a s l r F10'
> gl_textxy 10 50
> gl_text 'scale: ',":STEPS%100
> gl_textxy 10 70
> gl_text 'angle: ',":R
> gl_textxy 10 90
> if. 0=sprog do. return. end.
> gl_text 'matrix:'
> for_i. i.4 do.
>  gl_textxy 10, 105+i*15
>  gl_text 6j2": i{mvp
> end.
> )
> a_f10_fkey=: 3 : 0
> gl_paint 1
> )
> a_cancel=: a_close
> a_close=: 3 : 0
> STOP=: 0
> wd 'ptimer 0'
> glDeleteBuffers ::0: 2; vbo
> glDeleteProgram ::0: sprog
> wd 'pclose'
> )
> vertexData=: 1&fc , 0 1 2 2 1 3&{"2 ] 6 4 3$ , 0&".@(-.&',') ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> _1 _1  1
> 1 _1  1
> _1  1  1
> 1  1  1 ,
> 1 _1  1
> 1 _1 _1
> 1  1  1
> 1  1 _1 ,
> 1 _1 _1
> _1 _1 _1
> 1  1 _1
> _1  1 _1 ,
> _1 _1 _1
> _1 _1  1
> _1  1 _1
> _1  1  1 ,
> _1 _1 _1
> 1 _1 _1
> _1 _1  1
> 1 _1  1 ,
> _1  1  1
> 1  1  1
> _1  1 _1
> 1  1 _1 ,
> )
> NB. rgb for each vertex
> colorData=: 1&fc , 0 1 2 2 1 3&{"2 ] 6 4 3$ , 0&".@(-.&',') ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 0 1
> 0 1 1
> 1 1 1
> 1 0 1
> 1 0 0
> 1 1 1
> 1 1 0
> 1 0 0
> 0 0 0
> 1 1 0
> 0 1 0
> 0 0 0
> 0 0 1
> 0 1 0
> 0 1 1
> 0 0 0
> 1 0 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 0 1
> 0 1 1
> 1 1 1
> 0 1 0
> 1 1 0
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> vsrc1=: 0 : 0
> attribute highp vec3 vertex;
> attribute lowp vec3 color;
> varying lowp vec4 v_color;
> uniform mat4 mvp;
> void main(void)
> {
>  gl_Position = mvp * vec4(vertex,1.0);
>  v_color = vec4(color,1.0);
> }
> )
> fsrc1=: 0 : 0
> varying lowp vec4 v_color;
> void main(void)
> {
>  gl_FragColor = v_color;
> }
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> vsrc2=: 0 : 0
> in vec3 vertex;
> in vec3 color;
> out vec4 v_color;
> uniform mat4 mvp;
> void main(void)
> {
>  gl_Position = mvp * vec4(vertex,1.0);
>  v_color = vec4(color,1.0);
> }
> )
> fsrc2=: 0 : 0
> in vec4 v_color;
> void main(void)
> {
>  gl_FragColor = v_color;
> }
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> a_run''
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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