Personally, I have been baffled by a number of the choices and requirements
here.  And, by this, I mean that I do not understand them.

That said, here is my current interpretation of a mix of some of the
statements expressed here, about what is being accomplished:

faces=: {&' o'@((i.3 3)e.&":"1])&.>4 80 840 8620 86420 865320
toss=: (] {~ (?@$ #)) ".bind 'faces'

Example use, with ascii box drawing enabled:

   toss 2 10
|o    |o    |o   o|o    |o    |o    |o    |o   o|o   o|o   o|
|  o  |  o  |  o  |  o  |  o  |     |     |     |  o  |o   o|
|    o|    o|o   o|    o|    o|    o|    o|o   o|o   o|o   o|
|o    |o   o|o    |o   o|o   o|o    |o    |o    |o   o|o    |
|  o  |  o  |     |  o  |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|    o|o   o|    o|o   o|o   o|    o|    o|    o|o   o|    o|
   toss 2 10
|o    |o    |o   o|o    |o   o|o    |o   o|o   o|o   o|o    |
|     |     |     |  o  |o   o|  o  |     |  o  |o   o|     |
|    o|    o|o   o|    o|o   o|    o|o   o|o   o|o   o|    o|
|o   o|o    |o   o|o   o|o   o|o   o|     |o   o|o   o|o   o|
|     |     |  o  |     |     |  o  |  o  |     |     |     |
|o   o|    o|o   o|o   o|o   o|o   o|     |o   o|o   o|o   o|


1. I spaced my pips out wider, horizontally, than the original.  I think
this looks better.
2. toss has 'faces' as an implicit dependency
3. I can change the number of dice being tossed by changing the argument to

In my opinion, this is not a very good design.  In "real life" code, I
would either replace (". bind 'faces') with (faces) or I would make it an
argument to the function.

I could probably compress a few characters out of the definition of faces,
but it would become more mysterious if I did so.

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