The link in your message took me to Volume 0 number 0 - but I finally 
did find a page saying I had to request access for number 1, which I did 
and look forward to being able to see your work.

A quibble from number 0, that I intended to report earlier, is that at 
the top of page 13 your say, "Note that we have made use of the verb |: 
to sort the list resulting from applying #: to
i.1000. ...."  it would be more correct to say you use the verb |: 
(transpose) to transpose the array resulting from applying #: to i.1000...

Thanks for doing this work - and I hope you raise the awareness of j in 

On 2011/12/07 13:11 , mikel paternain wrote:
> The second number of Journal of J (ISSN:2174-9280) is published! Please, 
> visit
> Special thanks to Alan Holt for a very interesting and professional paper 
> about J application in electronic engineering!!
> We had many problems with this edition and we apologize for this . If you are 
> interesting, We have a pdf copy of Mr. HoltĀ“s paper.
> Journal ofr J is about J applications in science, buy also about J 
> programming language.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mikel Paternain
> PLease Circulate, Collaborate!! PS: JofJ main aim is extend J knowledge in 
> spain (J is almost unknow)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sections:
> -Papers: articles
> -Short Notes: rapid communications but without the size of an article.
> -Letter to editor: any interesting communication (mistake, typo, 
> opinion...):-news: meetings, conferences, reviews, news and others...
> Problems, Poutpourri and more...
> The edition schedule is the next:
> November (2011) First number. Closed.
> December (2011) Special number. Closed. Comments (typo, mistakes, etc) are 
> welcome!!!
> January (2012) First number of Vol.1. Open (February)
> Six number per year (or 12 if many contributions come) Special numbers, 
> addendum and more !!

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