On 12/14/2011 6:07 AM, Linda Alvord wrote:
> I really don't think that you can ever write a program good enough that the
> the number  8 in binary is _8 in decimals
>       hcinv 1 0 0 0
>    _8


> I have lived my mathematical life without being able to write negative
> binary numbers. I have always ignored two's complements as beyond my scope
> of interest.  It is like saying there are no negative numbers.  It will be
> ok  if  13  stands for  _13  and we'll all be happy.
> I'm sure that much of the world deals well without  imaginary numbers.
> However, they must have been a mess to develop so they work flawlessly.
> Note that they do have a strange appearance but if you understand them you
> get used to them.
> In my world, if I want  _8  I write  _1 0 0 0  which  is  in  the  8 4 2 1
> 8's digit.   So what is  _14 ?
> Linda


     - 1 1 1 0
  _1 _1 _1 0


     tcng 0 1 1 1 0
  1 0 0 1 0


  stack =: ,.&.|:  NB. stack x over y

  hv =: (0 {:: <"1) :: ]  NB. return head vector

  Tbln =: 2 2 2 $ 0 0,1 1,1 1,0 1  NB. table for tcng, see opn

  ban =: 0 ,~ 0 ,.~ 0 ,.~ ]  NB. build argument, see tcng

  opn =: ] stack~ (0 { [) , Tbln {~ [: < (0 { [) ,~ 2 { [: hv ]

  tcng =: (1 {"1 [: }: [: opn/ ban)"1  NB. TWO'S-COMPLEMENT NEGATIVE

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